Friday, January 20, 2012

Sammy's House Family Stories

Are you the parent or caregiver of a child who attends Sammy's House? If so, we want to hear from you! We are continually in need of stories from the families we serve for several different reasons. Here's a couple of examples of how your story can help Sammy's House:
  1. We sometimes use quotes from families in our grant proposals when we're requesting funding for our programs. These quotes are extremely valuable for showing funders how we affect the lives of real families -- demonstrating our mission in action.
  2. Another place we use family stories is when we send updates and thank-yous to agencies that have given us funding. This is an excellent way to show them the impact we're having in our community thanks to their support.
  3. Stories from families are also a great addition to the materials we hand out at fairs and events where we're raising awareness about Sammy's House. These events often result in funding for the organization, but are also a great way for us to connect with families in the area who could benefit from our services.
If you're hesitating to share your story because you feel like anything you have to say will be boring or unimportant, never fear! What may seem like old hat to you may be very interesting and insightful to a donor who has never interacted with a special needs child, or a foundation that isn't familiar with child care. Rest assured that your story matters, and it can have a real impact on helping Sammy's House, no matter what your child's needs are or how long you have been with Sammy's House.

If you would like to share your story with us, feel free to use the following questions as a starting point:
  • What is your child's name?
  • What is your child's date of birth?
  • What year did your child start attending Sammy's House?
  • Why did you choose Sammy's House over other daycare centers?
  • What did you use for child care before you found out about Sammy's House (if applicable)?
  • How has Sammy's House helped your child and/or your family?
  • What are some of your child's unique needs and how does Sammy's House address them (if applicable)?
  • What is one thing about Sammy's House that you appreciate the most or take the most comfort from?
  • Is there anything else you would like someone to know if they were considering whether to make a donation to Sammy's House?
Once you've developed your story, you can email it to our Development Director at If you're concerned about privacy, we can make your story anonymous by changing your name and your child's name. Just let us know and we'll be happy to accommodate your situation. If you prefer to talk about your child in person or over the phone, just email to set up a time to meet. 

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