Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Free Resource for Parents at APL

The Austin Public Library has a new book on its shelves that may be of interest to parents raising children with special needs: The Special Needs Parent Handbook: Critical Strategies and Practical Advice to Help You Survive and Thrive by Jonathan Singer.

Go here to look up the book in the library's collection or ask a librarian at your local branch for help finding it. 

Remember to also save the date for our carnival -- Saturday, April 14, 9am - 12pm. This carnival is sure to be a blast, with a wide variety of accessible activities and games for children of all abilities. Come out and enjoy this nice (and brief) pre-summer weather, have fun with the whole family, and support Sammy's House, all at the same time! Contact sammyshousedev@gmail.com if you're interested in donating raffle items or making a donation to sponsor carnival activities.

Friday, March 23, 2012

April Respite Dates

You can view the respite calendar for April here. Our dates for April are Sunday, April 1 from 10am-2pm and Saturday, April 28th from 10am-2pm.

Kids at the April 1st session will go on a fun egg hunt, dye eggs, and color rabbits. Kids at the second session will do several fun activities involving water, such as rain painting and ice painting. It's going to be a fun month and we hope to see you there!

Contact b.hill@sammyshouse.org or call (512) 453-5258 to sign up for a session. Children of all abilities from age 0-8 are welcome!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

2012 Carnival Details

Our annual spring carnival is going to be Saturday, April 14th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm! This fun, accessible event is designed for children of all abilities, and will be held at Sammy's House at 2415 Twin Oaks Dr. Austin, TX 78757. Some of the fun activities we have planned include: face painting, sand art, a train, a bounce house, therapeutic horse-petting, tasty snacks, and more!

Admission is by donation (suggested donation is $10 per family). All proceeds will go towards the programs of Sammy's House, including curriculum materials and adaptive equipment.

Here's what one Sammy’s House parent had to say about our first carnival and how it benefited her family:

Carter has disabilities which require him to be in a wheelchair. The carnival gave him “abilities” -- he was able to enjoy nearly all of the activities. I think his favorite was the duck pond which was raised to wheelchair-height to accommodate him. By the end of the day he was soaking wet from splashing in the pond! Nathan was on the train almost the entire time. Preston enjoyed roaming all over the carnival and collecting prizes. His self-esteem was soaring since everything was a win! I know there are many donations of time, money, equipment, and so many other things that volunteers and staff do, and not just for the carnival.  Please know that you are greatly appreciated. 

We hope to see you at the carnival! Please feel free to call us at (512) 453-5258 or email sammyshousedev@gmail.com should you have any questions. With your help, we can make sure that EVERY child has the chance to enjoy the fun atmosphere of a carnival during this lovely spring weather! 

Also: If you or your company is interested in sponsoring a booth, please see the information below to find out the different sponsorship levels and what your dollars will provide. Please let us know about your sponsorship commitment by Friday, March 30. Payment is due in full by Friday, April 6.

Sammy's House Carnival - Sponsorship Details

The Greatest Show on Earth!
Sponsorship of the carnival
Cost:  $1,000
Company name or logo prominently displayed throughout the carnival
10 Bracelets for unlimited entertainment/games
10 Hot Dog Plates

2 sponsorships available at this level

Step Right Up!
Sponsorship of an activity (face painting, sand art, train, bounce house, therapy horse petting)
Cost:  $500
Company name or logo on 3 booth signs
5 Bracelets for unlimited entertainment/games
5 Hot Dog Plates

5 sponsorships available at this level

Everyone's A Winner!
Sponsorship of a food or game booth
Cost:  $200
Company name or logo on 1 booth sign
3 Bracelets for unlimited entertainment/games
3 Hot Dog Plates

6 sponsorships available at this level

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Updated Toy Wish List

We have an updated toy wish list! Thanks to the generosity of multiple donors, several items on our wish list have been purchased. Below is an updated list of adaptive toys and games we still need for our classrooms. 

Sammy's House Toy Wish List
As of March 2012
All items are from www.constructiveplaythings.com

The Five Senses Series (5 books) - $39.95
Magnetic Fishing Fun (40 piece set) - $39.90
Sweet Treats (20 piece set) - $39.99
Exploring the Five Senses Library (100 piece set) - $44.99
Counting Cans (66 piece set) - $44.99
2-in-1 Scent Match (36 piece set with plastic carrying case) - $46.99
Wooden Ice Cream Game (game with wooden storage box) - $59.99
Frameworks Water Play Accessory Kit (23 piece set) - $59.99
Colors Book Series (10 books) - $79.50
Nature Exploration Set (star fish, seashells, pine cones, minerals, fossils, and precious stones in a wooden sorting box) - $94.99
Rolling Pathways (wooden structure with 6 accessories) - $129.99
Crayola Washable Tempera Paint (complete set of 8 gallons) - $158.99
Magic Magnetic Play Table (see-through table allowing movement of items using magnets) - $399.99

There are two ways you can sponsor an item on our wish list, depending on what is most convenient for you: you can either mail us a check made out to Sammy's House in the amount of the item's cost, or you can order the item yourself (from Constructive Playthings) and have it shipped directly to Sammy's House (attn: Isabel Huerta) at 2415 Twin Oaks Dr. Austin, TX 78757.

We plan to add additional items in the coming months as we assess the needs in our classrooms. We aim to include items in a wide range of prices. If you would like to sponsor a toy in the $10-30 range, you can simply send us a check or PayPal payment in your chosen amount and designate the funds for classroom toys and games.

If you would like any additional information or if you have a specific question about our wish list, please don't hesitate to contact us at sammyshousedev@gmail.com or (512) 453-5258. Thank you!

Monday, March 5, 2012

News and Updates

This is shaping up to be a busy spring here at Sammy's House. Our kids continue to grow and learn every day and are enjoying the lovely weather out on our playground. Here are a couple of reminders and updates about Sammy's House happenings:

Sammy's House Carnival
This annual spring fundraising event features food, games, face-painting, and other family-friendly and adaptive activities accessible to children of all abilities. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated. If you or your company is interested in sponsoring a booth or making a donation, email sammyshousedev@gmail.com. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks!

March Respite Program
Click here to see our calendar for respite sessions in March. Care is offered in four hour blocks at Sammy's House for children of all abilities. Everyone is welcome -- no need to be enrolled in Sammy's House!

Strikes for Tikes
Visit the Strikes for Tikes website to learn more about this awesome bowling event benefiting Sammy's House. It's going to be a lot of fun, and all proceeds will go straight into our programming! Be sure to RSVP by March 15.

Upcoming Closures
Just a reminder that Sammy's House will be closed March 12-16 for Spring Break. Also remember to "spring forward" and set your clocks forward an hour for Daylight Savings Time on Sunday, March 11.

Job Opportunity
We're currently hiring for a substitute teacher position. For more information, contact our Program Director at sammyshousecenterpd@yahoo.com.

Email Newsletter
If you're interested in receiving our occasional email newsletters, click here to sign up through Constant Contact.

Questions? Comments? Email sammyshousedev@gmail.com.