If you're a parent/caregiver looking for a super affordable, super convenient option for respite care, Sammy's House is here to help!
Our March respite sessions will be on Saturday, March 10th from 10:00am-2:00pm, and Saturday, March 24th from 10:00am-2:00pm. Each session will feature fun springtime activities: we'll make popcorn bluebonnets, have some fun with the color green, do some rain painting, and make hand print flowers.
As a reminder, here are the respite guidelines:
- Children ages 0-8 with and without special needs are welcome. Children do not have to attend Sammy's House to participate -- it's open to anyone!
- $25 per session, per child
- $8 per additional sibling, limit 3
- Care is provided at Sammy's House (2415 Twin Oaks Dr. Austin, TX 78757)
- Please contact our Respite Coordinator, Brittany Hill, no later than the Wednesday before the session you are wanting to sign up for. You can call her at 512-453-5258 or email her at b.hill@sammyshouse.org.
We hope to see you at one or both of the March sessions!